The Core of the Angel's heart

Whacha lookin at!

Who am I? The girl next door
Birthday: July 26
Location: San Diego, CA
Gender: definitely a FEMALE
Ethnicity: Filipino
What I do?: I am a Healthcare worker


Food: mushroom ravioli,Chinese food
Color: black and blue
Song:One Last Cry and Maybe this Time
Celebrity:Julia Roberts, Orlando Bloom, Tom Hanks, Leonardo di Caprio
Movie:Fools Rush In, A Walk to Remember, The Cutting Edge, The Wedding Singer
Cartoons: Pokemon,Recess, Finding Nemo, Monster's INC., and all Disney's
Scent:Tommy Girl,Clinique Happy Heart,VS,and Bath and Body
Get-up:t-shirt and jeans or skirt or shorts
Ocassion:My Birthday
Book:I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Boy Meets Girl, Passion and Purity
Author:Joshua Harris
Ice Cream:Banana Caramel Crunch
Music:R&B and softrock

Hobbies:shopping, watching movies, surfing the net, chatting on the phone
Likes:fun to be with, honest, loving, thoughtful, trustworthy
Dislikes:stinky, boring, backstabbers, smokers

Etcetera:FRIENDS addict...GLAMOUR magazine collector... GOOD driver *hahaha*...PILLOW cuddler *guess how many pillows I have when I sleep*... SCARED of snakes *they're so creeepy*...LOVES surprises...BAKES cookies when I like someone...SMILES a lot when in love... GRUMPY when I lack sleep *at least 6 hours*...HYPERACTIVE when consumes a serving of glucose *whether drink or chocolate bar*... READS book before going to bed...ENCHANTED with citrus fragrance...

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   Sunday, June 27, 2004  
it is finally up!
click here
   posted by Abby at 7:57 PM  
I'm working on a different blog... I am tired with this old one... hahaha.. sorry old one.. that one sounded so mean...anyways, this one looked so crappy since the images that should've been here are starting to get X's one by one...and I just have no time to fix it.. but I'm working on another...what a reason huh?

One more week and it's gonna be 4th of July... I wonder if *someone* is gonna ask me to watch the fireworks with him... yeah..dream on! you'll get lucky if he will talk about something else other than ask about your family

I have this nasty headache again! oh crap!

I am so excited in going to family camp.. I bought a queen sized airbed to make myself comfy at night.... yeah remember last year.. I had the hardest time to sleep because all those tiny bumps on the floor were bugging me!

My brother and I rented a couple of DVD's again...Brother Bear had me all bawling in front of the TV! how embarassing! See...the kid in me kicked in again! I still love cartoons! actually, I am so looking forward in seeing Sponge Bob the movie! LOL!....

OH well... Goodnight!
   posted by Abby at 7:12 PM

   Saturday, June 26, 2004  
We rented several DVD's last night...Oh gees..this one is alright...Hahaha! I enjoyed the part of those porn movie stars, the most... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm kidding!!!

The plot was so predictable! duh! Although I really like the break dancing and stuff... really really really cool!!!

I thought this movie was like Save the Last was a heartwarming kinda of movie...cheesy movie! it makes you wanna dance though!

new link to my blog click here
   posted by Abby at 3:32 PM

   Wednesday, June 23, 2004  
I thought a thought... but the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought....
   posted by Abby at 6:42 PM

   Monday, June 21, 2004  
What a bummer!
I talked to a friend and she's asking me to go with her and apply at this private nursing school... I told her that I have til August to know if I got in to this schools I applied to... if not, I'm just gonna go with her... I want to be done with school by 2006...oh well...

Oh shoot! I forgot to order contact lens! got to go!
   posted by Abby at 9:06 PM

   Sunday, June 20, 2004  
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!! my DAD, I am so proud to be your daughter...Thanks for all the sacrifices you made and will make in the future!...I love you so much!!!!

We went to Tijuana, Mexico earlier today...The last time I went there was a month after the 9/11 attack...Darn! we pigged out with Mexican food such as carne asada, churros, and frescas...I forgot about my diet plan for a while...LOL...Then we bought some fruits..and you know how they make this fruits??? they put chili powder on first, I was so hesistant to try it..but after I tasted a piece, it wasn't bad... We bought lots of cadies,too! of course all their candies are with chili!

I am so full....nyt!
   posted by Abby at 7:54 PM

   Friday, June 18, 2004  
*listening to my collection of sentimental songs*

I am just in the mood to slow jamming right now... I've been litening to R&B and hiphop everyday... in my work...and sometimes even at home....Actually, I ran through several of my CDs and wondered what songs were in there...and yup definitely the sentimental ones....

I'm planning to go to the mall tomorrow for a couple of reasons... first, to look for a present this coming Father's Day and of course to go to Victoria's Secret because it's their semi-annual SALE!!!!!Woohoo!!!

I was lucky to be able to contact Jovee last night...we had a very happy and healthy (take note of it..HEALTHY) conversations!!! LOL... darn! I can say that he's really nice to talk to coz we never ran out of topics until my fonecard said BYEBYE....a very funny guy, too!

Then later this evening, got a call from my buddy, Jon..Thanks for calling dude! 'twas nice hearing your voice again! :p I apologize for my mom telling a white lie...of course, you know what I mean...:p LOL!

I still have that stiff neck...Ouch!

   posted by Abby at 9:27 PM

   Thursday, June 17, 2004  
I'm done reading the book Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot...'twas a very good reading! Now, I need to drop by at Barnes and Nobles or at our Public Library to get/borrow a book...I heard some of my friends talking about the book, The Purpose Driven Life..oh I might check that out! I am so tempted to read Harry Potter (book 5) but I am trying really hard to resist it!...
I called Jovee yesterday but unfortunately he went on a lunch break! I told him I would call before I dialed the fone but I didn't know that "local" means "extension" number..duh???? Better luck next time
I am so tired from work....I even got a stiff neck after working....I've got several job offers as a CNA but I turned it all down...As I posted before, there are couple of issues at my workplace and this last week, I noticed that I've been giving 110% every single day that I work! and I hate that! it's HARD WORK!!!!! and I don't deserve it ( I mean I don't get paid that much, yah know what I mean)... I am so darn exhausted since last week! What should I do??? quit the job and be a CNA??? *sigh*
   posted by Abby at 5:06 PM

   Wednesday, June 16, 2004  
   posted by Abby at 7:50 PM

   Tuesday, June 15, 2004  
Yeah...yeah..yeah...The Pistons won 4-1.....All I can say that Lakers did a very lousy game! Oh well...

I am so darn tired!.... I worked 11 hours today!!!!!!!!!
   posted by Abby at 8:48 PM

   Sunday, June 13, 2004  
What the heck!!! LAKERS lost!

I was with my eyecandy's mom this afternoon... she asked me to sit beside her as we practice our LAND of the FREE songs....She's helping me on how I can project my voice and helps me out to reach very high notes... She even offered me her service about voice lessons and stuff...She wants me to sing this particular song at church, she said she'll be giving me a copy of the song...She's really nice...She motivates me so much that my confidence level reached a hundred percent! Hahaha! A little bonding session there huh??? :p

Father's day will be on Sunday...I wonder what am I gonna give my dad...a HUG saves me a ot of money! Hahaha!... I'll probably just buy him a gift card..

Nyt! and have a good week!
   posted by Abby at 9:12 PM

   Saturday, June 12, 2004  
What time is it???? I went to see a movie since 1:30 this afternoon... I just got home! This what I love to do...sneak in! Hahaha!!!

We saw this film first since it's what we bought at the box office....Hilarious! There still a kid in me I can say that coz I still enjoy watching this type of movies...What a fat lazy cat!

Next was Shrek 2...this one is a two thumbs up! I almost cried laughing! I totally recommend it...I got that popping lips after watching this movie!

Lastly, Troy...It lasted for almost 3 hours!!! Good thing I was into my Humanities class before coz if not, I didn't understand what the story line was...Of course, my handsome BF Brad Pitt was there..OMG! He's still sexy at that age of 40..I can't believe it! Some peeps who had seen the movie warned me about him being naked...Deng! they were so right! I think there has been more than 3 scenes in which you can see his body... I wonder if that's his...And also, Orlando Bloom although I really hated his part...he's such a wimp! good thing he learned to handle his bow and arrow in the end...I liked the movie...if you're not into this "Greek Mythology" or Greek epics well I don't recommend it , if you like wars then go for it, you'll enjoy it!

This day has been great except some minor "problem" with... a friend and I....We resolved it in no time so everything is alright...

   posted by Abby at 10:22 PM

   Friday, June 11, 2004  
*still thinking*

thinking about stuff...quarter life crisis...*sigh*

I bought a rechargeable phone card...I don't want to get one coz I seldom call the Philippines but "the telemarketer" seems so nice so I decided to get it... I am usually mean to these people because they are so pushy but since he's a Filipino, I gave nice of me.. (hahaha! *pats my own back*)

There's something going on at work...I have nothing to do with it but I am concern with my fellow Filipino co workers...I can smell something "fishy"... I am starting to dislike our Mexican Supervisor... sheesh

   posted by Abby at 6:01 PM

   Thursday, June 10, 2004  
Lakers didn't win the 3rd game! darn it!

Oh well...

Happy birthday to my gal pal Rosalynd Maureen Comes and to my boss Roselyn Valdez....who turned 24 and 27 respectively....

   posted by Abby at 10:04 PM

   Tuesday, June 08, 2004  
The LAKERS won!!! 2nd Game...deng! Kobe did a very good job!!!! *handsdown*

I had a conversation with someone... I've been trying so hard to know that we share something in common.. you know what I mean? after so many years...6 years to be that's it... I'm still gonna try if we could work things out...:)

Oh well...goodnight...
   posted by Abby at 9:49 PM

   Monday, June 07, 2004  
OMG!!! it was Bath and Body Works semi annual SALE today!!!!!!!! I rushed at the store after my work! darn! it was so crowded! Women were going crazy! Okay a little exagerrated but mahn! it's almost 75% off!!! Can you imagine that!!!! a lotion that costs $10 was just $5....I love to go shopping with these kind of deals... it's really worth the money!!! I bought plenty of body sprays and lotions enough to last for a few months...I guess I have to say pass to Victoria's Secret for the next three months or so... Hahaha!

BTW, the former US president Ronald Reagan died last Saturday after a long struggle with Alzheimer's Disease....May he rest in peace...

I was browsing friendster when I bumped in to someone that I had a crush for a very long time.. I mean since I first saw him at McDonalds... I accidentally saw his picture at the user search page...Hahaha! and "The Lurker" started lurking! *hahahayyyy* mushy mushy feelings eh! :p Golly! I can't believe he's still darn cute! and mahn!!! he's been working out I think... I really can tell with those muscles!! Ohlalala!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!.. I love this entry it really showed the other side of me!!! :D

And now that we're on the "me" part....I had this conversation with my co worker... I've been working with her for like 3 years I think... She's been telling me that I am a BOOKWORM! All she hears when I talk is about books and if ever I am not at work for sure that that time was spent studying....Is this what people think of me???? I said to myself...While the other gal(my co worker too) agreed on her, too... They both told me I am picky and some sort of perfectionist...high maintenanced...books and school are my top priorities...Oh well.. I guess it really shows huh? I took it as a compliment....because that is half of who I am....

There's nothing wrong with loving to read books right???


   posted by Abby at 10:11 PM

   Sunday, June 06, 2004  
I don't feel like blogging but after lurking "some" blogs... I decided to make an entry....
Oh well.. I had fun this morning when I taught Sunday School...These preschool kids always make me smile and laugh because of their very innocent ideas and thoughts...I also got a call from work asking if I could come in.. they'll pay me double but I rejected the offer coz I have to attend the choir practice and I was tired after that session with the kids...too much of my energy had evaporated in just couple of hours that I was with them...and besides, I really don't want to WORK! For God's sake, it's Sunday!
Another reason was Lakers gonna play with the Pistons... it's their first game so I've gotta stick my eyes in front of the TV...
*sigh* I've got stuff to do but I just don't know where to start!

I've seen Replacement last night which stars Keannu Reeves... pretty good movie...

   posted by Abby at 8:54 PM

   Saturday, June 05, 2004  
I went home late last night and with a hunger headache! The result of watching one extra movie!!! LOLZ

The plan didn't succeed! But it was so crowded! good thing we bought the ticket earlier...Then we have to be there an 2 hours before the showtime to get a nice spot inside the theater...and as expected it was more than two hours... This was supposed to be my favorite book so far but because it was long, some of the scenes (from the book) were deleted...I didn't enjoy it that much...And I guess I'd rather watch the movie first then read the book because I expected too much...'Twas an alright movie though on the other hand especially on the cinematography of the dementors.. that was soo cool! I also enjoyed the crowd with the versions of "oowoohh" teasing Ron and Hermione when she accidentally gripped his hand..But the new Dumbledore though was not as good as the one on the first two sequels...The applauding before the movie starts and also when it ended!...I went to see it with my schoolmate, Estela, my brother and his two friends...

Sneaking in happens everytime I see a movie...I mean it's a necessity! LOLZ... with $7.50 I can watch a minimum of three movies when I go to the theater early..A very smart ass I should say!!! Hahaha!

And as I have posted this movie is also more than two hours long...I bet my froggy buddy will like this one...It is about what will happen if the global warming and greenhouse effect will continue... a new Ice Age...So it has cool effects on tornadoes (dang! I was holding tight on my seat), tidal waves (goodness! I almost screamed!), floods, and huge hurricanes!!! it's an alright movie overall...

We still want to see Shrek 2 (I heard it was awesome!), but we're all starving...popcorns just makes us hungrier!!! so we decided to go home and just plan our next movie session next time...

I went home satisfied!
   posted by Abby at 2:07 PM

   Thursday, June 03, 2004  
I just bought a ticket for Harry Potter 3 for tomorrow's "hunt the reporter" :D I'm just kidding... I bought it through spent $17 because there's a $1 service fee for each person.. Oh well.. at least I don't have to drive all the way to the movie theater and fall in line right? I got a discounted price ,too because I am a student! hahaha!

My professor emailed me back and I got an A on my physiology! Wohoo!!! I am so ready to kick some butt!!! LOL

I also got an email from the graduation photographer... darn it! It was a bad shot! seriously... then it's darn so expensive,too! I'm just gonna waste my money...I got it on tape so I don't really care at all...

OMG.. this green tea extract capsule makes my heart beats so fast as if I am falling in love! LOLZ...I'm supposed to take 2 capsules twice a day... sheesh... I'm not gonna do that...One is enough or else I'll be bouncing off the walls!!!

Okidoki! got a long day tomorrow!!! Nyt
   posted by Abby at 9:09 PM

   Tuesday, June 01, 2004  
It's Summer dang!!! why in the world am I getting a cold???????? this is so unfair!!!!!!

I am sooo tired....I don't know if it's because I have a cold why I feel this way.. I usually can go straight 14 hours in a snap without getting, all I want to do is to lie down and get some sleep...put some vaporub by my nostrils and I'm ready to go snoozing...

I still haven't got the reply on my email to my professor asking what my grade is... I need to know that ASAP so I can start bugging nursing schools...

Also, I need to reserve two movie tickets for Friday...For sure, it'll be hard to get in and most of it'll be sold out...OH I'm talking about Harry Potter 3. It's just that my brother and I has this weird thing that we need to see some movies the very first day...Okay fine, I admit that we jsut want to look for reporters so we can get an interview from them about it... I remember when we went to see Lord of the Rings 3...we missed the very first showtime so when the reporters got to the movie theater, they interviewed the lucky first ones! and there we are standing at the background! It was fun though and for sure if we get the chance to be seen in TV...we will be so darn screaming with joy! (does my statement makes sense?) LOL...

Oh it's already JUNE!!!...I bet there will be lots of exhanging vows that's gonna happen!

   posted by Abby at 8:36 PM


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Kuya Ariel
First, we were strangers
We don't even mind each other
But the time came
And I don't know where to call in
Now the time came
We became friends
As we share the time together
My love grew stronger and stronger
I don't know what to do when
You hold my hands
I don't know where to look at
When you're eyes are at me
One day I said to myself
"now I think this is the end"
because a new life will begin
but this words are broken
and until now I'm falling
through a year you don't know
that I loved you so
For a year I've ease the pain and suffering
Because you have loved somebody
Thought that year you took me for granted
My patience are there because you're all that I wanted
For a year I wonder why, do I have to be hurt and cry
Because of these years, now I know that there's no
hope if I try
After a year I know my love most end
Because I realized that we are meant only to be FRIENDS

i have blogger power!

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My thoughts, ideas, aspirations, and feelings all in one place....